Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mahalta Seed of Wellness Spa Review

The other day, I went to this spa I discovered several months earlier to have a massage as I was feeling so beat out again, I'm telling you guys, I was completely taken by surprise (Breath taking, is the right word!).

They've completely changed everything. Their colors are now royal red (much to my liking. thank goodness). They now have warm showers, and the quality of massage is still (my best adjectives are) superb and heavenly. You guys can read this article I wrote before for reference. Read here. They've changed their name to Mahalta Seed of Wellness Center. For more info, click on to their Facebook account.

I'm sharing you guys this because I want all of you to know that you can truly find gold in the most unusual of places.This is one spa worth returning to, over and over again. I can attest to it (if you guys can entrust me with your love stories, truly, you can trust me with taste concerning the right spas as well, right? lol).

P.S. The owner of the spa doesn't know I'm doing this, ok. It seems that the spa had a feminine touch of recent judging from their color of choice. I've yet to meet the owner and would love to if time permits. For now, I'm really contented with the services they offer. Visit them and try their services you guys, ok. Give me a feedback as well in my email, 

Lots of love,


© Hudson Rivera Blogs

Hello Guys

Hi guys,

It's been awhile since I wrote something for THP Plus. I want to apologize to my readers for that. A lot has changed in my life for the past few months and I've been handling newer responsibilities. Went on a new venture which is really exciting and life changing. 

I was surprised to open my email earlier and found one from an avid blog reader asking me for an advice. What's even more surprising is that it's all about love. Now, I don't know what gave you guys an idea to seek love advises from me through my blog. As you can see, the ones I'm posting here and the main one, are the, hmmm... full monty types, but hey, I'm not complaining. I want to thank each and everyone of you for going through my blog, and making it run for more than 3 years now. 

I'll be posting the email some other time, with my advice and I promise to give it a best shot. :)

I also want to know your opinions when I do, ok. Send me an email through my yahoo one,

Lots of love,


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ryan Greasly

Ryan hails from Brisbane, Australia. Certainly ain't no grizzly to me... :)

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